Sunday, December 18, 2011

DIY Dishwasher Detergent

After making this dishwasher detergent 2 weeks ago, I finally ran out of the
picture by: Being creative to keep my sanity
store bought stuff. Yea! Silly I know first how can you be so excited about dish-washing detergent (maybe I've been a stay at home mom to long) and second why wait (well I'm to cheap to just stop using the stuff I bought). 
Okay so I washed my first load with 1TBSP (yes 1) and my dishes were so clean and shiny. I guess I just thought my dishes were as clean as they could get with the old stuff. Just a note my dishwasher is new too. 
This stuff is less expensive and works better than the store bought detergent, so give it a try and put a few bucks in the vacation jar.
Here is the link Being creative to keep my sanity blogspot. I'm trying the laundry soap next.

Have a cleaner 24-7!

Friday, December 2, 2011

New Bag

This is my latest creation. First time I've tried to sew anything other than material. I love the way it turned out and the best thing, it's for myself.
Happy 24-7

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful for Teachers

I'm a little late on the, "give Sophi's teacher a gift for each holiday to show how much we love her" Thanksgiving gift. But this is it....
Candle from Wal-Mart
And the tag reads "You were 'MINT' to teach". I got this great idea from the talented ladies over a, thanks ladies. Go check them out they have a ton of fun ideas.

Have a great 24-7